U8, U10, U12, & U14

Rugby is a free-flowing, physical game that develops speed, endurance, team spirit and self-confidence. It is a game that provides a position for every body type and personality. The camaraderie of a rugby team is arguably the most rewarding of all sports.

Velox Valhallians Youth Rugby is for boys and girls up to 13 years of age. Teams are organized by age group: Under 8, Under 10, Under 12 and Under 14. Our U-8 team plays "touch rugby" (no tackling). We introduce the skills of ball handling, passing, running with the ball, staying in position and reading the field over time as players develop. In games, the ball is handed off each time a player is touched with two hands by a player from the opposing team.

Tackling is introduced at the U-10 level and is taught in a systematic way to ensure the development of safe technique.

Rugby clubs have traditionally encouraged family participation. Velox Valhallians Youth Rugby is fortunate to have a high level of involvement of the senior club's premier players, as well as members of the national Canadian team, as coaches. Velox is a member of the Vancouver Island Rugby Union (VIRU) the BC Rugby Union (BCRU) and Rugby Canada.

The clubhouse and pitch are located at 3957 Gordon Head Road, Victoria BC (near McKenzie by the University of Victoria). With  8 years service, Velox Youth Rugby is the longest serving Youth Rugby Program in Victoria.

The 2008-2009 season will start with our annual “Kick-off Clinic” and registration on Sunday, 7 September.

Registration starts at 10:00 – through 12:00 during which time the young players will have a fun “training” session run by senior club members!

All current, new and potential players welcome. This clinic will focus on introducing new players to the game and preparing returning players for the season. After the Kick-off Clinic, U-8 to U-12 teams will meet weekly on Sunday mornings from 10am to 11:30am. The U14 team trains on Friday evenings and Sunday mornings 11:30 – 12:30.

Important Documents for Registration 2007:
(click to download)

To register, please contact the Youth and Junior Registrar, Luranah Polson; or call Mark Pratt @ 250 889-8746  for more information.

New registrations are accepted at any time during the season. Registration fees for 2008-2009 (September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2009) are $155 for one player and $130 for siblings over 13 years and $100 for any player 13 and under.  Your registration includes Rugby Canada insurance eligibility for all international games and the Summer Tide Programs.

We have several fundraisers that we encourage your participation in:
1) Royal Victoria Marathon fence removal (Thanksgiving Sunday)
2) BC Rugby union Win-Win Raffle - Sell $50 tickets
3) Sign up to use the Thrifty's card
4) Christmas tree recycling in January
5) Sidney Rod & Gun Club = serve food Nov 9th - 11th.

Jerseys, shorts and socks are available for purchase from the club.

General Registration information
Junior & Youth player is anyone born in the years 1990 – 1995 (U19 – U14)
Mini-Rugby Player is anyone born in 1996 - 2004. (U8 – U12)


photos from the
2006 Pre-season Clinic

Thanks to our sponsors