clubhouse rental

Our clubhouse facility, bar and grounds are available for rental throughout the year. The large floorspace and stage areas, available bar, pool & foosball tables are great for your next function be it a wedding reception or school reunion. We also have a smaller room available for private parties.


For enquiries and bookings contact:

Bar Manager
Michael Murray
Direct line 250-507-4866
Tel: 250-721-3500 (Club phone & messages)


Club Treasurer
Christel Hume
Day; 250-387-5700
Eve; 250-480-5079

or by Mail:

Velox Valhallians Rugby Club
3957 Gordon Head Rd, V8N3X2
Victoria, BC, Canada.

Velox Valhallians Rugby Club
3957 Gordon Head Rd, V8N3X2
Victoria, BC, Canada.
Members of the Vancouver Island Rugby Union and BC Rugby Union



Thanks to our sponsors